In the project we organise 16 Transnational Meetings (6 onsite and 10 online).

Online session Kick-off, November 2022

Objective: The project partners contribute to the Consensus Document and the Financial Guidelines writing.

Onsite session, December 2022Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Objective: Project partners approve the Consensus Document and the Financial Guidelines and are committed to run the project as agree.

Online session Life Skills Introduction, January 2023

Objective: Project partners (VET providers) understand the 10 Life Skills for students in VET on the model of the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Online session Validating publication, February 2023

Objective: Project partners validate the publication about the importance of assessing and acquiring Life Skills by students in VET

Online session Self-assessment introduction, March 2023

Objective: Project partners identify key-criteria for assessing Life Skills with students in VET

Online session Validating self-assessment instrument on Life Skills, May 2023

Objective: Project partners validate PR2

Onsite session, May 2023Verona, Italy

Objective: Project partners have competences in assessing Life Skills with students in VET

Online session Evaluating and sharing experiences, November 2023

Objective: Project partners are aware of their personal strengths and challenges in training Life Skills with students in VET

Onsite session Introducing Creative Teaching, December 2023Tallinn, Estonia

Objective: Project partners (VET providers) understand the concept of Creative Teaching

Online session Validating workshops, March 2024

Objective: Project partners validate workshops about Life Skills development for student in VET through Creative Teaching methods

Onsite session Training on Life Skills with the method of Creative Teaching, May 2024Venice, Italy

Objective: Project partners have competences in Creative Teaching and Training of Life Skills with students in VET

Online session Validating of Compendium, July 2024

Objective: Project partners validate PR3 Compendium of Creative Teaching methods for Life Skills

Onsite session Identifying Implementation strategy and describe plan, September 2024Ljubljana, Slovenia

Objective: Project partners identify and define implementation plan of developing Life Skills to students through Creative Teaching

Online session Collecting and feedback from Teachers, October 2024

Objective: Project partners analyse provided feedback from teachers after the training

Online session Collecting, analysing and reporting feedback from Students, December 2024

Objective: Project partners share experiences and delivering input for evaluation

Online session Validating evaluation results and Improving Implementation strategy, January 2025

Objectives: Project partners analyse and discuss evaluation results; Project partners Improve implementation strategy

Transnational meeting 6 Closing Conference (1 day), April 2025Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Objectives: Project partners ensure dissemination and visibility of project results on the European level.